torstai 7. elokuuta 2014

The SUPERmini

Audi has been quite loony lately of the confidence boost that the R8's success has brought them. They've made S this and RS that and it doesn't seem to have an end.

This car though has to be the craziest of them all, the Audi A1 Quattro. By putting a 2 litre turbo pumping out a very super 256 hp in a car the size of a desk fan is absolutely diabolical. The A1 was created so that Audi could compete with the VW Polos and Ford Fiestas but only 5000€ more expensive. It was the richer choice in the supermini wing of cars. This made me hate it almost immediately. Why create a small car that isn't in the price bracket of 80% of the potential buyers? I guess it's because Audi can do that sort of thing. 

What they also can do is stick a powerful engine in it, give it 4-wheel drive and price buyers (here at least) 80 000€ for it.  Lets keep in mind that the big brother called the S3 that has 40 more hp and costs 20 000€ less than the A1 Quattro. Luckily Audi have only made 333 A1 Quattros, because there are not many more mad people in the world that would buy such an overpriced car. 

The A1 Quattro has obviously been made because Audi had some spare parts spread around the factory, which then lead to the question; Which car could we make less sensible? 
Only exclusivity would make me buy this car, and even then, who would notice?

The detailing is quite nice though.
And yes. One of the 333 A1 quattros was found in Monaco
That massive wing is the cars way to say; Hey! I'm special!

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