maanantai 17. helmikuuta 2014

The hottest wasp

Most (probably all) of the cars i write about on here I have never driven and probably never will. But this time it will be different.
Because I've got the pleasure to drive the new Ford Fiesta ST. Technical stuff first. It's got a 1.6 litre turbo with a nice 180 hp going through the front wheels in a typical hot hatch fashion. It's got an unexpected amount of torque as well, which took me by surprise. It felt like it had a much bigger engine what it really had when you overtook someone at say 60 kph (40 mph). When it was a sporty version of a normal car I was afraid that it would be a bit difficult to get used to with the clutch and so on. But instead it was very easy and you felt immediately right at home.
Since I have no experience of other hot hatches I can't say for certain that this is the one to buy. This is a very tough market. But I have to say that all the positives I've heard/read about the Fiesta ST is completely true. It most certainly is the hottest wasp I've ever driven.

And did I mention, it looks fantastic!
It's lowered by 15 mm to enhance that eager look.
And this is the one that I drove. It was an experience indeed.

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