maanantai 20. toukokuuta 2013

Motor show live!

Here as promised. Pictures of the Motor Show Live event.

It was very poorly organized and as usually in this country a very highly priced event. And since I'm not a rich person I wasn't able to get to the area where I would've gotten great crisp photos of the attending exotica. But nonetheless I have some great photos for you to behold.

Maybe someone will tell me what kind of single seat formula this is.
It sounded awesome.
Sadly I'm not rich enough to stand on the other side of the barbed wire.
You can see the Lamborghini's
Did I really leave out the Corvette Stingray from the muscle car post?
Check out the post. It's the most viewed post, so it has to be good.
Here is one of the highlights of the event the Lamborghini Aventador and its howling V12

A Dodge Viper. Weirdly the first Viper I've personally ever seen.
I'm guessing this isn't a Ford GT40 but just a Ford GT. What do you think?

Those were the highlights of the Motor Show Live event. I'm a bit saddened by the fact that I can't share with you the amazing sounds these wonderful machines made. But at least we have the pictures.

Today the Gumball 3000 arrived here in Finland. And tomorrow I will be posting the pictures of the amazing cars the celebrities and other millionaires drove with. That is something to most certainly look forward to. Until then seat heaters.

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